Pastel UI

Grid Layout

The Grid Layout is a series of containers, rows and columns to layout and align content. It uses CSS grid-based approach to layout the websites.

2 Column Grid Layout

You can get the 2 column layout by using the grid-cols-2 class alongside the grid class to your div tag.

Column 1
Column 2

3 Column Grid Layout

You can get the 3 column layout by using the grid-cols-3 class alongside the grid class to your div tag.

Column 1
Column 2
Column 3

Holy Grail Layout

Holy Grail is a layout pattern that is very common on the web. It consists of a header, a main content area with fixed width navigation on the left, content in the middle and a fixed width sidebar on the right and then a footer.

You can get a ready-made Holy Grail layout by using the grid-holy-grail class alongside the grid class on your div tag.

Main Content

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